Although the popularity of waist trainers has gained some momentum in the past few years, it’s really no new concept at all. It goes back several centuries actually. Back then, they just called [...]
When attempting to drop body fat into the low, single-digit range, expect that your body is going to put up a good fight. Despite what the magazines and some of your favorite social media [...]
Consuming fruit during your prep should be the exception, not the rule. Because fructose has a natural preference to restore liver glycogen before it can contribute to muscle glycogen, we use it [...]
The only thing better than getting a great pump in the gym is tearing through an invigorating outdoor training session while the sun’s rays beam down on you, bronzing your skin, helping to [...]
Regardless of what your goals may be, we’d all like to make the most of our time in the gym. So, if I told you that there was a way for you to burn fat and build muscle all during the same 30-45 [...]
Sometimes the brightest minds aren’t local to you. Depending on where you live, you may not have access to some of the industry’s most reputable trainers and coaches. At the end of the day, you [...]
Without a doubt, the lack of quality sleep and total sleep time will absolutely have a negative impact on your prep and in many cases, will prevent you from achieving your best physique. It’s [...]
Incredible news for bodybuilders and hardcore athletes! Recent research suggests that training in the evening may be more effective when it comes to building muscle, increasing strength and [...]
While it should be common knowledge that performing cardiovascular activity is a proven and effective tool for burning fat, it is not so well known that it can also support the muscle building [...]
The main difference between a personal trainer and a contest prep coach is that one trains you in a gym and the other helps to manage every possible aspect of your life that could potentially be [...]