When you make health and fitness a big part of your life, you naturally want to pass along some of those values onto your child. Most of us don’t however, want to put our own children on a diet [...]
When you make health and fitness a big part of your life, you naturally want to pass along some of those values onto your child. Most of us don’t however, want to put our own children on a diet [...]
T-Rex Training Presents:Summer BodyTRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE 2021 Start Date: May 25, 2021End Date: July 6, 2021What you need to know:The Summer Body Challenge is a 6-week program for regular, [...]
When you make health and fitness a big part of your life, you naturally want to pass along some of those values onto your child. Most of us don’t however, want to put our own children on a diet [...]
When you make health and fitness a big part of your life, you naturally want to pass along some of those values onto your child. Most of us don’t however, want to put our own children on a diet [...]